Front Door Sign Kit: No Politics

It's the season for throngs of political solicitors to pound down your door and, I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of it. So I came up with the idea for a washable, fairly weatherproof sign and put it together in a kit--here it is at my front door (the No Soliciting sign apparently isn't enough). I didn't know plastic came in a 14-count grid, did you? it's thinner and easier to work with than the old kind that came in kits for kids. The best part is if it gets dirt on it, you can just aim the hose at it and you're good to go!

You could also stitch a different phrase with one of our PDF font charts. This kit includes ONE piece of plastic canvas that's 8.2 x 5.5" (more than you'll need), floss (black, red and blue), color pattern, instructions and two needles. I found it refreshing to stitch a little something different - hope you will, too!

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